Thursday, May 19, 2011

15 min. Sketch fully realized!

When working from a model, the method says, get as much as you "need". Now when paying said model, "need" and "want" are two completely different things. I "want" to draw a good model all day long, but good models cost money! So it all comes down to quality and speed. To test myself, I chose to work from a model for 15 minutes, then from that point put it into photoshop and just go nuts. How much do I "need" ?

Which then became...

Which i am pretty happy with!

Yay! new stuff!

So I have recently been doing alot more vector work, which I am pretty jazzed about. I did this one for the Haight-Ashbury Street Fair. I am also planning on doing a realistic Camaro vector in the next few weeks. Best way to teach yourself something is to do it the hardest!

( Not to mention it will be for my brother, who is in the Army, and over in Afghanistan write now. He called me the other day and is requesting I do some work for him and "his guys" over there. Empty barrack walls? I think not! You boys need some ladies, cars , and videogames!  AND! I even know a guy.... LOL)

Anyways vector!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

So it has been WAY to long!

So I have been seriously busy! Good things my friends, good things.

Now with that said, my goal for this quick study project was to create a city park/ communal space. I really wanted to focus on bringing people together, with nature and technology. These 3 things on their own are powerful, unforgiving, and indescribably beautiful....bring them all together.... well lets see!

Adding another pass of an "aged" version kinda just popped into my head half way through the project. Once I got to working on it I realized it completely strengthened the piece as a whole... I dig it!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Ok , just one more pass...

Ok so back by popular demand, the "Flemeth" piece....more details...

I am very happy with it, I am also very tired...